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Every child has the right to feel safe. ™ 

"Remember when I said Teddy can't sleep without me? Well, the truth is, I can't sleep without Teddy" - Webster Papadopolis​


As much as our society tries to protect our children and keep them safe, the truth is we can't prevent them from feeling scared from time to time. Often times we can give them comfort with a hug and reassuring words in a stable environment, but what about the children in volatile, violent, or traumatic situations? Many of them in domestic violence or homeless shelters are forced to leave their residence with little to nothing in a moment's notice, having only the clothes on their backs and fear in their eyes. Most of them go to bed with only a blanket and pillow, with nothing to hold onto or cuddle with for comfort.


There are many things we can't do to help children in these complex and difficult situations. But we believe that every child has the right to feel safe, if only for the precious moments before falling asleep and cuddling a soft stuffed animal or teddy bear. And sometimes that's the greatest thing we can do for anyone going thru a tough and scary time: give them comfort thru the night to bring them to a better tomorrow.




Hello, I'm Macy.


These are a couple of my little friends who were having a rough day and needed some extra hugs. Feel S.A.F.E. reaches out to children who need extra reassurance that "Everything's gonna be alright." Many of them are in 911 type of situations and need immediate care and comforting. I know that when I was little I felt safer in the world when I had my favorite stuffed animal in my arms, and it's my mission to help as many children in desperate situations have a stuffed animal friend to help them feel safe. 


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